Malcom X: Prison Studies

Malcom X’s essay, “Prison Studies” was an inspirational read.  It’s effectiveness is apparent in the way he conveys his message.  He humbly describes how he educated himself by only reading & writing during his incarceration.  This essay made me want to go out and learn about things I have always been curious about but either haven’t taken a class on or haven’t had the initiative to learn myself.  Malcom X reassured me that the latter is possible.

Malcom X does an excellent job illustrating the prison scenes of him learning in the library and within his cell at all hours of the night.  His descriptions were not overly developed, but were effective and to the point.  This essay to me is filled with inspiration and modesty.  He is writing about how he got to be so well educated, but does not flaunt his abilities at all.  His essay is not filled with obscure adjectives unlike the books he was reading at the beginning which he did not understand.  He is writing to an audience who could be in his shoes before he began his informal education.  He is sending a message of hope and guidance to try to better the youth of the time.

Malcom X’s technique is proven by his own success.  He went from another inmate with an 8th grade education to an extremely well educated man with a place forever in history.

1 Response to “Malcom X: Prison Studies”

  1. 1 Daniel Beaudry September 18, 2009 at 12:34 am

    Wow! A very thoughtful, well-substantiated post on the reading. Nothin’ else for me to say, but “well done!”

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