How an “Ideal” person would respond to me & my writing

I do not even know what an “ideal” person is.  That definition is most likely different for everyone.  Because writing is an art, its meanings and effects are relative and opinion based.  Just like reading other student’s blog posts about the readings, the essays convey different feelings for each reader and everyone has a slightly different opinion about them.  Writing is not math or science;  there is no one answer.  The only things measurable in writing are grammar, structure, and punctuation.  Taking this into account, the question has too many variables to answer it completely.

2 Responses to “How an “Ideal” person would respond to me & my writing”

  1. 1 michaellouis October 22, 2009 at 12:56 pm

    “Too many variables to answer it completely.”
    I felt the same way when I read this topic. From some of the other posts I’ve read it seems we were the only two that had problems with this one. I tried my hardest to answer the question, but I wasn’t really satisfied with my answer. I like how you analyzed the art of writing and pointed out how it is different for everyone. I wasn’t expecting to comment on anyone’s “Ideal Reader” blog posts, but this one just stood out to me.
    -Michael B.

  2. 2 annslyer October 25, 2009 at 11:27 pm

    “Writing is not math or science; there is no one answer.”

    LOVELOVELOVE! Maybe this is why I don’t think I’m not good at writing? Because I’m good at math? Either way you just TOTALLY summed up what I was trying to say but didn’t know how to.

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